On December 17, 2019 (Item No. 23) the Board approved a new 20-year Management Agreement for FMC, and FMC’s proposed budget and business plan for 2020. At the request of then Vice President Chavez, the Board directed Administration to provide a financial framework for Board consideration through FGOC to evaluate the long-term financial opportunities that FMC provides. Subsequently, the Board instructed Administration and County Counsel to enter into negotiations with the San Jose Earthquakes, American Cricket Enterprises, and San Jose State University for potential ground leases at the County Fairgrounds. Current activities by Administration and FMC are in furtherance of the Board’s direction.
The County relies on FMC to hold an annual County Fair and to manage activities, events, and operations at the Fairgrounds. Given the size and complexity of the Fairgrounds, and FMC’s responsibility to manage the asset, the best information on other Fairgrounds activities on a monthly basis is contained in the Executive Director’s report to the FMC board.