3-Bin System
Most County-owned facilities are supplied with a 3-bin system for recycling, organics and garbage separation in common areas. Signage providing details on how to sort materials will be posted on or above the receptacles.
Facilities heavily utilized by the public or with high levels of contamination may have a mixed materials option.
Centralized Waste Stations
Receptacles should ONLY be placed in common areas in sets of 3. Individual staff workspaces are supplied with under-desk recycling and garbage bins and should be emptied daily by the employee. Custodians WILL NOT empty receptacles from individual workspaces. Food waste is not permitted at workspaces and should be taken immediately to the green bin in a common area to help control pests.
All recyclable material is collected together in the blue bin (combining paper, cardboard, plastics, metal, and glass). Please empty, rinse and dry containers before placing in the recycle bin. Residue from dirty containers can contaminate the whole load of recyclables.
Organics Collection
Food scraps, paper towels, and compostable food serviceware is collected in green bins. Green bins may not be provided in areas where food is prohibited. Green bins or “Paper Towel Only” signage will be provided in restrooms for paper towel collection.
SB 1383 Compliance
The County Zero Waste Program is compliant with state laws requiring recycling and organics collection.
Zero Waste at County Parks & Correctional Facilities
County Parks and County Correctional Facilities are supplied with Mixed Compostable waste service. This means that all the material placed in parks dumpsters is sorted at the GreenWaste Material Recovery Facility.
Where material can be collected without contamination such as yard waste and clean recyclables, the appropriate containers and service is provided.
For questions about the Zero Waste Program, contact [email protected].
Where does it go?
Sorting Guides for County Facilities