Greenhouse gas inventory for County operations
The County Operations Greenhouse Gas Inventory includes activity and emissions from the following sectors: Buildings and Facilities, Employee Commute, Fleet Vehicles+ Reimbursed Employee Miles, and Solid Waste+ Closed Landfills. It provides recommendations for reducing emissions in the future. The baseline is established by the 2010 inventory and inventories have been completed for calendar years 2005, 2015 and 2019.
2015 Inventory2019 Inventory
Climate action planning
The Board has adopted various Resolutions and policies for the County of Santa Clara’s commitment to achieve significant, measurable, and sustainable greenhouse GHG emissions reductions.
2019 county operations emissions were 108,724 MTC02e. This represents an 8% decrease from 2015 county operations emissions of 132,358 MTC02e and an 11% decrease from baseline year 2010 emissions of 122,696.
For questions regarding Energy & Sustainability, please contact 408-993-4600.