Project overview
The County of Santa Clara owns and operates the Santa Clara Valley Medical Center (SCVMC) in San Jose, California. The County will be constructing and operating a new mental health inpatient/outpatient building called the Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Facility/Behavioral Health Services Center (BHSC) within the SCVMC campus. The new BHSC will replace and consolidate existing mental health services on the SCVMC campus that are currently located in three separate buildings into one facility. The newly expanded services will serve the behavioral health needs for Santa Clara County and the surrounding communities.
On May 4, 2021 (agenda item 71), the Board of Supervisors adopted a resolution making certain findings, adopting an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Santa Clara County Valley Medical Center Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Facility/Behavioral Health Services Center project, and approving the project. The board meeting details.
Project location
The BHSC project site is located at 751 South Bascom Avenue in San Jose, on a County-owned parcel bounded by Ginger Lane, Middle Drive, and Turner Drive, which are County-owned roads. The project site is located within the SCVMC campus, which supports a hospital and related specialty centers, pharmacy, imaging and lab services, and associated parking.
Proposed project description
The proposed project is comprised of a 77 bed BHSC, an underground pedestrian tunnel connection to an existing tunnel system that goes from the Receiving and Support Center (RSC) to the main hospital, a skybridge connection to the Main Hospital Emergency Department, and a new 714 car Parking Structure. New services provided will expand the current adult mental health service programs to include Outpatient and Inpatient Services for child and adolescent populations and increase the bed count from 50 to 77 beds. The project will require utility improvements (water, sanitary sewer, storm drain) to existing utility pipelines in the surrounding streets. The goal for the project is to complete construction and achieve occupancy by January of 2026.
The project also includes the removal of an existing two-story, 431-space parking structure referred to as Parking Structure #3 (PS3). To replace this lost parking and add parking to serve the new BHSC, a new 714 car parking structure is being constructed on a site that is occupied by a vacant building that formerly housed the Sam Della Maggiore School which was demolished to construct the new parking structure. The project also includes the demolition of the Don Lowe Pavilion which is currently used for mental health services. This building will be demolished once the new BHSC is open for use. The site of the Don Lowe Pavilion would then be used for a surface parking lot for the foreseeable future.
The County’s goal is to build a facility which: 1) is a state-of-the art forensic psychiatric facility that is specifically designed to provide care and a safe environment for high risk patients while providing a safe working environment for staff; 2) provides a secure, flexible, and fully functional environment to effectively and efficiently support its operations; 3) is cost effective and sustainable; 4) can be easily maintained; and 5) fits into the community and enables it to be a good neighbor.
Project schedule
The construction started in February 2023 and will be substantially completed by December 2025.
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documents
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