Community engagement
Past meetings
Virtual Draft Environmental Impact Report Meeting
During the public review period, a public information meeting for the DEIR was held to describe the proposed project, review the DEIR, and obtain your verbal input on the adequacy of the DEIR.
Date and time: Wednesday, October 20, 2020 at 6:30pm
Virtual Public Scoping Meeting
The County will be preparing an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed project. The purpose of this meeting was to present the proposed project, share the upcoming next steps, and to obtain input regarding what the environmental analysis should consider. There will be future meetings at which the public will have the opportunity to provide comments about the project unrelated to the scope of the EIR.
Date and Time: Wednesday, December 16, 2020, from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.,