Project overview
The project proposes to construct a new animal shelter at 90 Highland Avenue, at the corner of Monterey Road and Highland Avenue in San Martin, in the unincorporated area of Santa Clara County. The proposed animal shelter will be at the south-eastern portion of the parcel and include a one-story building, parking, livestock barn and pastures, and dog play yards spanning approximately 4.5 acres. The 37,000 square foot one-story building would house functions such as the adoption area, animal holding and housing areas, spay and neuter clinic, veterinary medicine and support areas, administrative areas, and a community multi-use center.
The existing County Animal Shelter is located at 12370 Murphy Avenue, San Martin and functions will be relocated to this new animal shelter once construction is completed. This relocation is needed because the existing shelter is aging, outdated, and does not meet the County’s needs and goals. Issues facing the center include inadequate space, limited natural light, and poor ventilation. The proposed new animal services center would provide a facility that can integrate the latest best practices for disease control, odor control, and acoustics, promote health, reduce stress, and create a calming environmental for both animals and people.
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The current County Animal Shelter in San Martin was built 40 years ago, when shelters were designed to warehouse animals for a short period through required holding periods. Euthanasia rates were high, and animal welfare was a low priority. This has changed over the years, and new animal services centers are designed with a different set of intended priorities; a primary one of those is animal well-being.
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Project timeline
In February 2013, Prodis Associate Architects prepared a programming report for a new animal shelter campus to be located at the County Center on Highland Avenue in San Martin. Funding for the design of this new facility was approved as part of the Fiscal Year 2017 Capital Budget process.
On February 7, 2017, Board of Supervisors approved a professional services agreement with Dreyfuss+Blackford Architecture to update the 2013 programming requirements and complete the design documents.
On November 1, 2017, staff and consultants, and Supervisor Wasserman (District 1) conducted a well-attended Community Outreach meeting in San Martin and received feedback to help proceed with schematic design.
On February 27, 2018, Board of Supervisors approved the Construction Manager at Risk (CMR) Method of project delivery and pre-qualification package for the South County Animals Services Center project and authorized the advertisement of the pre-qualification package.
With the first phase of program and concept design completed, the next phase of project development for the Animal Services Center would be completed through early 2019, and include design development, CEQA and permitting approvals, Board of Supervisors consideration and approval.
On October 23, 2018, the County released the Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration for public review. The public review period began on October 23, 2018 and ended on November 13, 2018.
On December 4, 2018, the Board of Supervisors also adopted the Mitigated Negative Declaration, mitigation monitoring and reporting program (MMRP), and findings in accordance with CEQA.
The final phase is construction of the project, which the Administration anticipates would begin in Spring 2019, with a move in date in approximately mid-year 2021.
On June 5, 2018 The Board Awarded Construction Manager at Risk (CMR) contract to XL Construction Corporation in the amount of $31,452,406 with a contract time of 240 calendar days for the pre-construction phase and 580 calendar days for the construction phase.
On July 25, 2018 issued NTP to XL Construction for Phase 1 (pre-construction)
On June 18, 2019, the Board Approved Request for Appropriation Modification No. 274 - $4,090,000, transferring funds from the Facilities and Fleet Department Capital Hold Account and the Consumer and Environmental Protection Agency to Project No. 263-CP18003 "South County Animal Services Center." The Board also approved a decrease in the Supplemental Work Allowance (SWA) for the South County Animal Services Center project, Contract No.18-07, awarded to XL Construction Corporation, decreasing the SWA by $1,572,620 from $3,145,241 to $1,572,621, for a new total contract encumbrance of $36,942,696. The County Executive issued Contract Change Order No. 4 - Final Guaranteed Maximum Price - South County Animal Services Center, Capital project No. 263-CP18003. Contractor - XL Construction Corporation. Net increase of $3,917,669 and no change in contract time.
On June 24, 2019 issued NTP to XL Construction for Phase 2 with 580 calendar days to finish construction
On February 19, 2021, the Grand Opening of Santa Clara County Animal Services Center was held.
For further Project information click on the Related Files